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Sabam Syahputra Manurung
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Toba: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, and Destination
ISSN : -     EISSN : 28284100     DOI :
Core Subject : Social,
TOBA (Journal of Tourism, Hospitality, and Destination) merupakan wadah publikasi naskah ilmiah dengan tema utama berkaitan dengan tourism, hospitality and destination yang diterbitkan 4 (empat) kali dalam setahun, yaitu pada bulan Februari, Mei, Agustus dan November. Naskah yang dipublikasikan merupakan hasil temuan, penelitian, rekomendasi, praktik lapangan, maupun sharing pengalaman dari akademisi, mahasiswa, praktisi dan stakeholder lainnya untuk kemajuan kepariwisataan Indonesia. Cakupan Jurnal ini merupakan publikasi ilmiah dengan tema kajian kepariwisataan yang ditelaah secara multidisiplin.
Articles 7 Documents
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Segmentasi Wisatawan Domestik Terhadap Keputusan Memilih Destinasi Tawangmanggu Afrilia Elizabet Sagala
TOBA: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Destination Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

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Tawangmangu as a tourist destination still has an attraction for local tourists. The diversity of tourist objects, uniqueness, good image and quality of service are important factors that encourage tourists to come to Tawangmangu. The result of the X1 (demographic segment) value is 0.889, X2 (psychographic segment) is 1.614, X3 (behavioral segment) is 6.789, while the tt value in this study is 1.897. It can be said that the behavioral segment in the form of benefits that are used by sensations can be a place to relieve fatigue (healing) on holidays at affordable prices, the level of visitor loyalty is very significant because of the sample profile visiting> 3 visits to the Tawangmanggu Destination, then the independent variable (demographic segment) , psychographic segment, behavioral segment) together contributed to the dependent variable (the decision to visit Tawangmanggu) by 43.9% and the remaining 56.1% was influenced by other variables not included in this study. The other variables are probably the variables contained in the marketing mix related to promotion, price, and other variables in the elements of tourism activities, namely: something to see, something to do, something to buy. Tourists who come are dominated by productive tourists, junior high / high school education, diverse jobs, middle to upper income, and visiting destinations for recreation, enjoying various regional crowds, culinary and enjoying the unique scenery of Tawangmangu with family. Tourists generally have high loyalty as visitors. Geographical factors in the form of cold temperatures, accessibility and facilities significantly influence the decision to visit
Pengaruh Branding “Colorful Medan” dan Event MICE Terhadap Minat Berkunjung Kembali Ke Kota Medan Juni Anggraini Ginting
TOBA: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Destination Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

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This study aims to explain the EFFECT OF “COLORFUL MEDAN” BRANDING AND MICE EVENTS ON INTEREST TO VISIT THE CITY OF MEDAN. This type of research uses explanatory research, and data is obtained from distributing questionnaires to 106 domestic tourists who travel to MICE events in Medan City. This study uses descriptive analysis and path analysis. The results showed that the Colorful Medan branding variable and the MICE event had a direct effect on the interest of tourists to visit again. Based on the results of the study, it is better for the Medan City Government and MICE industry players to work together in maintaining and socializing Medan's colorful branding by increasing the promotion of all types of objects and tourist attractions in Medan City. This research is limited to the variables of city branding, MICE events and intention to visit again. Hopefully, through this research, MICE branding and tourism in Medan City can be further developed to the fullest.Keywords: City Branding, MICE Event, Interest to Visit Again.
Penggunaan Slang Bahasa Inggris Di Lingkungan Kampus Universitas Imelda Medan Siti Aisyah; Lisa Anggriani Tanjung
TOBA: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Destination Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan penggunaan slang bahasa inggris di lingkungan kampus Universitas Imelda Medan. Adapun metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah mahasiwa S1 Prodi Pariwisata semester dua Universitas Imelda Medan. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik simak bebas libat cakap dan teknik catat. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan pembahasan, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dalam penggunaan slang bahasa inggris pada mahasiswa S1 Prodi Pariwisata terdapat empat bentuk penggunaan bahasa slang dalam bahasa inggris , yaitu singkatan, salah ucap yang lucu, bentuk-bentuk yang dipendekkan, dan interjeksi yang digunakan oleh mahasiswa tersebut dalam percakapan mereka. Penggunaan bahasa slang tersebut lebih dominan dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk menciptakan suasana santai dan kesan akrab dalam pergaulan mereka.
Aksesibilitas Objek Wisata Bagi Wisatawan Penyandang Disabilitas di Kota Bandung Dian Herdiana; Mursalim Siti Widharetno
TOBA: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Destination Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

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Abstract The tourism destination in Bandung city is aimed inclusively at all groups of tourists, but in practice, there is limited accessibility experienced by tourists with disabilities which results in reduced ease, security, and comfort in conducting tourist activities in Bandung city. On this basis, this study aims to explain the problem of accessibility for tourists with disabilities in Bandung city and what solutions are offered to overcome these problems. The research method used is the descriptive research method with a qualitative approach. The results revealed that the tourist area in Bandung city can not be said to be accessible for tourists with disabilities. This can be seen from the lack of existing infrastructure in the attractions area and the lack of other supporting infrastructure aimed at supporting tourism activities carried out by tourists with disabilities. Efforts should be made to realize tourism that is accessible to tourists with disabilities by realizing the shared commitment by Bandung city government and tourism management bodies to create policy instruments that clearly and detailly regulate tourism development that is accommodating to the needs of tourists with disabilities. The policy should substantively regulate the provision of tourism facilities for tourists with disabilities in Bandung city.
Analisis Pengaruh Ikatan Emosi dan Kualitas Pelayanan Melalui Kepuasan Terhadap Loyalitas Wisatawan Di Wisata Pulau Poncan Gadang, Kabupaten Tapanuli Tengah-Sumatera Utara Mira Yosefa Siregar
TOBA: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Destination Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

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This study aims to determine the analyze and the effect of  emotional bonding and service quality through satisfaction on tourist loyalty at the Poncan Gadang Island tourist attraction, Central Tapanuli Regency. The population in this study were all people who came to travel to Poncan Gadang Island, Kabupaten Tapanuli-Tengah. In this study, data were collected through observation, interviews and documentation of 32 informants obtained using stratified random sampling technique. The type of data in this study is qualitative data analysis, qualitative descriptive method. The results show that Emotional Bonding (X1) and Service Quality (X2), through Satisfaction (Z), simultaneously have a positive effect on tourist loyalty (Y) in Poncan Gadang Island tourism, Kabupaten Tapanuli-Tengah. Therefore, there is a need for marketing promotions such as opening a bazaar stand, having a link or website specifically for Sibolga City tourism, through massive social media so that people know and come to visit Poncan Gadang Island,  Tapanuli-Tengah, North Sumatra.
Pengelolaan Pariwisata Berbasis Masyarakat (Community Based Tourism) Di Objek Wisata Tangkahan Aina Rahmayani; Sabam Syahputra Manurung
TOBA: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Destination Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

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Community-based tourism is a concept that prioritizes the active participation of the community with the aim of providing welfare. Tangkahan Village, Langkat Regency is a cultural heritage that is a traditional tourist attraction that is crowded with tourists. However, in its development, there is an issue that tourism does not contribute to improving the quality of life of local residents. In this study, it will be studied on how tourists' opinions towards the community as tourism managers in Tangkahan tourist attractions and examine how the quality of community-based tourism management in Tangkahan Tourism Objects. This type of research is qualitative research, through a descriptive method, which will discuss the phenomenon of community-based tourism management in the Tangkahan Tourist Attraction area both from the perspective of tourists and from tourism managers. The theoretical basis of tourism management is used as a guide so that the research focus is in accordance with the facts in the field. The results of this study were 46.7% rated that the quality of service at Tangkahan tourist attractions was at good value, 56.7% rated that the condition of the facilities in Tangkahan tourist attractions was quite good, 46.7% rated that the tourist attractions provided by tangkahan tourist attraction managers were good. Then the reduction of tourists due to restrictions and prohibitions on tourists from visiting due to pandemic policies by the government
Strategies for Developing Destination Incentive Travel in Nias Island, North Sumatera, Indonesia Apriliani Lase
TOBA: Journal of Tourism, Hospitality and Destination Vol. 1 No. 3 (2022): Agustus 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

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ABSTRACT (Times New Roman 10pt) Indonesia is a country that has rich marine resources, developing a deep archipelago consisting of more than 17,000 islands with 13,466 islands identified. Every region will grow and develop its potential area, one of the regions with regional potential in north Sumatra in Nias Island. Nias Island has many potential tourism objects attractive and has unique tourism potential. This study aimed to identify and analyze MICE tourism's potential strategies for incentive travel in Nias Island, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Therefore, the research objectives in this study were focusing on (1) what is the role of the government and private sector in developing tourism incentives in Nias Island? (2) how does the government's strategy for tourism development in making Nias island one of the MICE industry destinations? The results of the research found that South Nias has tremendous potential in MICE tourism activities. In addition, MICE Tourism in South Nias still requires more professional, creative, and more human resources to increase domestic and international tourists. The development of facilities and infrastructure is also necessary to support tourism activity. Research implications were also discussed. Providing full support to encourage increasing MICE activities in incentives was suggested for the government and the private sector. This study used a qualitative approach with semi-structured interviews and a case study method.

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